咨询计划- 4个女孩


北州学生对学生咨询项目 (USSA) connects current 澳门银河平台的学生 to undergraduate and high school students to advise them on their path to health careers, 研究生或医学院, 并有可能将他们招募到上州立大学的不同项目.


  • 为潜在客户提供指导, future healthcare professionals through genuine connections to current 澳门银河平台的学生
  • Inform high school or undergraduate students’ decision-making with the experiences and advice of their graduate mentors
  • Provide support, mentoring experience and guidance to 澳门银河平台的学生 serving as advisors
  • Connect current 澳门银河平台的学生 with undergraduates from their alma maters




The mentoring program was created from the idea that the strong professional character of medical students here at 澳门银河平台 directly translate to fostering a relationship between undergraduates and medical students. We are in our 3rd year of pairing up pre-med students at Binghamton University with the thoughtful students at 澳门银河平台 who were once in their shoes. Mentors serve as a personal resource for the undergrads who face the stresses and challenges of applying to medical school. 除了, the mentoring program works closely with the Pre-Medical Association at Binghamton University. Together, we plan several interactive events held at Binghamton University each year.


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We have identified current 澳门银河平台的学生 that have risen through community colleges including Cayuga Community College, 汤普金斯县社区学院, 布鲁姆社区学院, 莫霍克谷社区学院, 奥内达加社区学院, 和杰斐逊社区学院. They hope to serve as mentors to current community college students who aspire to a career in various health professions from their alma maters. 交流将在很大程度上是虚拟的.

Please request an advisor through the form below to learn more about potential mentoring matches for you!


We have identified current 澳门银河平台的学生 that have risen through many local Syracuse and CNY high schools. They hope to serve as mentors to current high school students who aspire to a career in various health professions from their alma maters. 交流将在很大程度上是虚拟的.

Please request an advisor through the form below to learn more about potential mentoring matches for you!


The proximity of the Syracuse University and 纽约州立大学澳门银河平台医科大学 campuses (on opposite sides of Irving Avenue) provides easy access to medical school mentorship opportunities. 两所院校的学生步行即可到达, 导师和学员可以建立牢固的关系, 面对面的关系. 澳门银河平台 mentors will gain the rewarding experience of supporting students that follow in their footsteps, 雪城大学的学生获得了一对一的社交经验, 实践知识, and valuable advice for preparing for medical school and a career in the medical field.

如欲申请导师,请填写 雪城大学学前健康辅导登记表. To become a mentor, please complete the registration at the bottom of this page.


Krystal Ripa, 澳门银河平台’s Director of Special 招生 Programs/Pre-Health Advisor, smithkry@msg-graphics.com
雪城大学学前健康咨询主任劳伦·亨特, lloneil@syr.edu
Matt Wheeler, Syracuse University’s Associate Director of 校友 Relations, mrwheele@syr.edu




Peer-to-peer teaching and mentorship are key components to our rural training courses and culture. 农村医疗, third- and fourth-year medical students (MS3s and MS4s) develop and facilitate many of our teaching sessions across the four-year curriculum. 例如, they lead clinical case discussions with first- and second-year medical students (MS1 and MS2) in our Introduction to Rural Health course. MS4s draw from their own rural training experiences to teach clinical case content relevant to the course's monthly topics. Whether the monthly topic is wilderness medicine, end of life care, or behavioral health, etc.在美国,ms4在一个小组环境中发展和教授他们的案例. Oftentimes they relate their cases back to the MS1 and MS2 core curriculum, to provide context and connections between preclinical and clinical learning.

 农村医疗, students continually provide professional mentorship. 在我们的每门选修课上, upper-class students facilitate discussions on such topics as: exam scheduling and test anxiety, 导航步骤, 为选修课抽签选择课程, and other important topics related to both medical school life and specialty advising. 另外, our rural medicine MS1 and MS2 students mentor groups of high school students using a clinical case model. This experiential service learning activity is utilized to foster teaching skills among our medical students and encourage, 启发, and nourish enthusiasm for future health care practice among small town high school students.


Carrie Roseamelia博士



The 上州康奈尔连接 program was established with the intent of strengthening the connection between SUNY 澳门银河平台 and Cornell University, 这两个机构是纽约市中心不可或缺的一部分. We hope to foster connections between undergraduate students from any background who are interested in a career in medicine and Cornell alumni who are now medical students at SUNY 澳门银河平台. We provide one-on-one mentoring connections and also work with our counterparts on the Cornell campus to plan several events each year involving student panels at Cornell and visits to the SUNY 澳门银河平台 campus.

Please fill out form for prospective students at the bottom of this page to request an advisor.


Abbie Bideaux, MS2

未来的学生,如欲申请学生顾问,请填写 这种形式.

本科机构,如欲申请合作伙伴顾问计划,请填写 这种形式.

澳门银河平台的学生要成为北州顾问,请填写 这种形式.